Wednesday, July 5, 2017

PDF generation with Apache FOP

What is Apache FOP?
Apache FOP is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects(XSL-FO). It is a library to read XSL FO objects and generate documents with specified output format. Here I have used pdf as the output format.

What is XSL?

XSL is a language for expressing stylesheets. It describes how to display data in an XML file.

What is XSL FO?

XSL FO is a part of XSL which is a markup language for XML document formatting. Follow W3school tutorial for XSL FO.

How Apache FOP generate PDFs.

I have generated javaFX form to enter the data and when I click the print button after filling data, PDF will be created in a folder called PDFs. source code for this available in

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