Monday, July 2, 2018

Check last JRE access time

JRE will create and update a file in a directory called oracle_jre_usage located  in
  • Windows : %ProgramData%\Oracle\Java\.oracle_jre-usage\ 
  • All other operating systems: ${user.home}/.oracle_jre_usage/
ex: I have used ubuntu 18.04. So when I start intellij idea it will create a file like  below

lakshman@lakshman-Latitude-3580:~/.oracle_jre_usage$ vim 9e360713136aba0a.timestamp

File content is as follows


As you can see the last access time can be found in timestamp format.

From JDK 8u171 and later updates and JDK 10 and later, usage tracking can be disabled by using jdk.disableLastUsageTracking property.

ex: java -Djdk.disableLastUsageTracking=true -jar lastUsageTracking-executable.jar

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