Monday, September 3, 2018

How to start angular development

This blog post aim to start the development environment with Angular as quickly as possible.

  1. Install npm and node latest versions
    In my computer, node version : v8.10.0, npm version : 3.5.2
  2. Install angular cli. Use below command  to install angular cli.
    npm install -g @angular/cli
    My Angular CLI version : 6.1.2. Type ng -v to see angular CLI version.
  3. Install visual code editor. This editor is great tool with lot of helper plugins to start with angular development.
Now time to create new angular project!

1. Type below command to create a new project called test-app

ng new test-app

This will create basic project scaffolding to start with. Now go to test-app folder and start a development server from there

cd test-app
ng serve --open

This will open browser window automatically at http://localhost:4200/ url.

Now time to hack the generated project code and create an awesome project!
Type code . to open the code in visual code editor.

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